Thursday, March 27, 2008

This Guy Must Have Michigan Roots Somewhere Along the Line

Officials are pondering whether to charge a Missouri DIY satellite TV installer who decided that the best way to punch a hole through the wall was with a .22 calibre handgun, and in so doing accidentally shot and killed his wife.

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L Rod Off to a Good Start

First the Bucks take Pryor from L Rod (I have no doubt that he told UM that he would bring Pryor with him if he got the job and as their fifth or sixth choice, they had to believe him - they were getting desperate).

Now, there is a 'lack of a family values' at the program. Looks as if L Rod doesn't have any clue about the historic, yet losing, grounds in which he walks. The ghost of Bo looking over his shoulder - he can't be too proud. Besides, as Bo always said, 'a UM man should coach a UM team.' This guy stinks of John Cooper.

This is what you get when the both of the coaches running the two biggest sports in your athletic department are from West Virginia. Not only couldn't L Rod ever win a big game in his career at WVU (hello Pittsburgh), not only did he completely disgrace his alma matter by leaving for Michigan, now he is angering the former UM alumni and their kids are walking out the door:

On a side note, there is also a story in the Dispatch that claims Boren may consider OSU as his transfer choice. To quote my friend Jason Thrush about Boren..."dude sounds a bit like a pussy, though. He doesn't like to run to the line of scrimmage? Suck it up pansy!" Given that expert analysis, plus the fact that you left the fine state of Ohio for Llllloyd Carr in the first place, I am not sure Sir Tressel should allow you back in this state Justin.

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Friday, March 7, 2008

Whales Outside the Hotel in PV

We had a once in a lifetime experience of watching a school of whales playing right out in the Bay of our hotel. At one time, we saw all 4 whales jump out of the water. Unfortunately, we didn't catch that one in a photo, but here are a couple that Scherer did catch with the long lens.

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